Designed by merchants for merchants.

Our founding team is made up of merchants who, like you, have encountered all kinds of barriers that logistics can impose, which is why we believe that shipping should not be stressful or time consuming.
Equipo fundadores de WeShipEquipo WeShip. Trabaja con nosotros
Startup Mexicana WeShip de logistica

The work we are passionate about

Our goal is to eliminate the headaches caused by shipping management, offering the possibility to control and automate the entire shipping process.
Los valores de la empresa WeShip


The best logistics innovation in Mexico


Fast and secure shipping


The greatest security in your shipments


Global parcel shipping service

Customer orientation

This is our incredible growth story

Unicorns Took Off

Co-founders Allie McKenna and Jack Cruz had their fingers crossed as Unicorns went into beta testing.
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Parcel shipping quote

$33,400 seed funding

Put your people at the heart of your marketing with tools that help you get to know your audience and see who you should be talking to.
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Quote with Uber, 99 Minutes and all the packages in Mexico

$33,400 seed funding

Put your people at the heart of your marketing with tools that help you get to know your audience and see who you should be talking to.
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Ship with the safest packages in Mexico

$33,400 seed funding

Put your people at the heart of your marketing with tools that help you get to know your audience and see who you should be talking to.
Learn more
Real-time analysis of your shipments

5 years later, we're proud of our journey

Unicorns Users
Hours Saved Annually

We're always in the right place

Main Office

34 Madison Street, New York, USA 10005

Office 2

15 Baking Home, California, United States

Office 3

Street No. 007, San Diago, United States

We are hiring

Welcome to WeShip!

We are your comprehensive shipping solution, optimizing your logistics with access to multiple parcel options.

Sending us a Whatsapp